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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Picasso Museum

Im not sure if this museum was in Barcelona or not, but my roomy Reilly is saying that it is, so I will put it up anyways! So, the museum which contains a large majority of all the paintings that Picasso had painted during his life is shown in a newly restored noble carmen/palace in the center of the old area of Barcelona! In there are some great pieces of artwork, including many variations on the famous painting Las Meninas by Velazquez, which I could not take a picture of :( That theme has come up so many times during this trip its getting to be a real pain, since Im trying to do a photo documentary of the whole spain trip. Anyways, some of these paintings included come from the blue and rose period during Picasso's life, when one of Picasso's greatest friends killed himself one night in Paris, and also during the time before that or after, I can't remember :) called the Rose period. Each of these periods is proven by the types of paints Picasso used, for the blue period, many dark colors, and for the rose period, using many colorful shades of colors, with heavy accents on reds, oranges,and yellows! Here is the only picture that I could sneak of this museum, and that was the waiting room, which used to be a sort of stable a brea for the horses during that time!

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