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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Spanish Houses VS. Spanish Carmens

Ok, so traditionally, spanish houses for the ordinary folk are usually not that big, since they are out of the house hitting the town most of the time! Take Pablo for example, our super guide! He lives in a small to medium sized apartment for SPANISH STANDARDS  :) in the capital city of Madrid, and he has told me that he rarely comes back to his house, unless for a siesta, which contrary to belief, only really happens to medium cities like Grenada, to small villages! So he has a really col job working for a guiding company that makes customizable tours! What a cool job!! Sorry, I'm diverging! So, for ordinary folk, apartments are the way to go, but if you are born with a silver spoon in your hand, you might consider buying a palace or a carmen! The only difference between a palace and an apartment is that a palace is basically buying the entire apartment and covering it with marble, stuccos, and expensive tapestries, art, and furniture! These things are usually pretty rare if they still belong to people privately, and most of them were converted to hotels! But the real jackpot is the carmen, which is based on Moorish palaces that were built in Spain, before the unification of spain, and the reconquista. These careens are based on 3 main things, water, nature, and architecture. They are designed to be your own private oasis! Ill get more into that in a bit! Bye Guys!

The carmen that we visited was in the Muslim Quarter of Albaicin

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