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Monday, January 16, 2012

Street Performers!

In Barcelona and all over Spain, there are a ton of street performers! I even sort of mistook a famous statue for a street performer and tapped it on the head with my book thinking it was an actual person! There are some pretty eccentric street performers, including a lady that covered herself with spa mud and sat in a square in front of the cathedral of Barcelona and asked for money with ragged clothes and a half eaten piece of bread! Don't worry, I don't think she was eating that bread, I think it was for just getting into the character! Also, there was a guy that was dressed up like an alien from the alien movies and a guy that was covered in a green paint and was riding a big wheel bicycle from the 20th century and a skeleton puppet of a women riding another bicycle riding with him! They were very cool, and I wish we had some in Houston!

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